Tom Hua

Official website from World Internet Summit


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Tom Hua
The Co-founder of 
World Internet Summit


The co-founder of World Internet Corp. and Hitech United Australia, Mr. Tom Hua originally migrated from China in 1990, he started his Internet business with less than nothing, and now operates his amazing global Internet businesses from Melbourne Australia plus a massive software company in China.

World Internet Summit was created between Tom Hua and Brett McFall in 2004, now it has been in 17 different countries, for 51 events. Through out the live events, Mr. Hua shares his unique strategies, proven by his own hands-on experience, with individuals and businesses for building wealth by leveraging the ultimate power of the Internet.

Millions of people have visited Tom's websites, hundreds of thousands of websites feature his products and services. Through hundreds of his publications and live seminars, Mr. Hua has changed the lives of tens of thousands around the world, helping them to become successful in their own Internet adventures by learning how to develop and market their products and services online.

Tom has taken a person from the audience, and within 72 hours, generated tens of thousands of dollars of sales from the Internet live from the stage. He has done it not just once, not twice, not three times, but well over fifty times.

'Internet is the most powerful media and the biggest market place human history has ever created... this gives each one of us on this planet the opportunity to share our ideas with the rest of the world so millions of people can benefit from those ideas... you are going to create tremendous value by doing so, and as the result, you will become wealthy beyond your wildest imagination...' says Mr. Hua.


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190 - 192 Hoddle Street Abbotsford, Victoria 3067, Australia
Telephone: +61-3-94173368 Facsimile: +61-3-94173360
Copyright (c) 2002 - 2013 Tom Hua
& Hitech United Australia Pty Ltd